Mood Boards (for writers)

#write #writer #writing #amwriting #amwriter #writeNOW #writingforwriters #ErikaHayesAuthor #ConcreteDetailblog

Sample Mood Board for a visual artist, I found that creating mood boards were a wildly successful way for me to remain focused on my work.  I have literally hundreds of them stored on my Pinterest account and other places that I used during my years in the Paper Art industry.  It is that success that led me to create mood boards for my writing.

In the early stages,  mood boards are an effective way to get the ideas moving and then to be able to keep them adhered to a central location.  Here are some of the things I add to my mood boards for stories.

  • Begin with the seed:  What is the idea?  Find an image that may spark the memory of where the idea started.
  • Add a color scheme: Knowing color can so effect mood, choose a color scheme to represent your story or where you think that story is headed.
  • Gather some character images. Add them to the board to help you keep track of your character.  You can also add images of specific things such as eye color, hair color or cut to better build a character image.
  • Finally, add some photos, pictures or graphics to help you grow your story.  Allow yourself to add off the wall ideas too! Don’t limit yourself here, you can always take it off.

Mood boards are used to inspire.  Adding and taking away images can help you to refine your story.  One of the best things I have found mood boards help is to push through those times I feel stuck.  I start to see the story better once I add to my mood board.

NOTE:  The above mood board is a sample from my short story, Second World. I have removed some of the images and ideas to allow me to add text to the mood board for instructional purposes. This story is available to read on this blog.  Here are the links to those post. Second World Part I , Second World Part II, Second World Part III, and finally, Second World Part IV

Consistency, A Lost Art?

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In August of last year, I made a decision to lose weight.  I was persistent in my pursuit.  I watched every calorie that went into my body.  I weighed out and measured food.  I went to the gym and lost about 50lbs.  I met a goal. Then the hard part, keeping it off. A few months ago, I noticed something wasn’t right with me.  I was taking naps in the middle of the day and even with those naps, I was exhausted.  To keep the post to a reasonable word count and reader’s engaged, I ended up at a cardiologist.  Failed several kinds of stress test. During this time I was struggling to keep my trips to the gym consistent.  I mean it’s easy to give up that especially when you have a good reason.  Here is the thing.  reasons for not doing something are excuses.

I told you I have struggled with my writing.  It may be fear.  Yeah, it’s fear. I’m not fooling anyone, but I can use my reasons for not writing outweigh my need to maintain consistent writing.  How will I ever move past this fear if I stop and give into it?  Sometimes, when I go to church I am sure God is speaking directly to me.  Last Sunday, our pastor named his sermon: Quitters Lose Their Hope.

WHACK!  The bump on my head stung a little, but I knew this message was going to hit hard.  I kept some notes and I want to share something he said about being inconsistent:

“Now we have thought up a lot of terms to describe inconsistency: tired, too old, sick, too busy and a dozen or so more.  We actually do not think of them as excuses for inconsistency–we think they are truly REASONS!!! In fact, most people seem to get a little angry when you question their “VERY VALID REASON FOR BEING INCONSISTENT!…” – Dr. Thomas Haney, Founding Pastor

I started to think about how easy it is to be inconsistent. I am so guilty of all those reasons and yeah even a little bent when others don’t accept them as valid.  He went on to talk about the power of little things. You know like, writing every day, reading and learning how to be a better writer, working on your story structure, etc. You get the idea.  How the small things we do are so important to our being consistent.

“Don’t ignore the power of little things.  No one says, “WOW, listen to that turkey sing” [ an inconsistent gobble, gobble]; or “Let’s go down to the ostrich farm for some beautiful music.” [they give loud honks that are given in fear, or warning] We certainly don’t say, “Oh, look at that beautiful eagle soaring above us, I hope he burst into song.” [we expect his majestic cry it’s big it’s powerful – also not something we hear every time an eagle flies.]  We do, however, from time to time while sitting outside take note of the consistent melodic sounds of the mockingbirds, larks, wrens, and finches.  Even the coo of a dove is a soothing and pleasant song.  Little things–done well are often like those little birds – they bring out the sweetest of blessings in our lives. ” — Dr. Thomas Haney, Founding Pastor

What I got from that, is even in the times when we soar like an eagle the world doesn’t see the little chirps we consistently had to endure to be able to soar.

I questioned, how does this apply to me, as a writer? Like all things, On the days that motivation is low, or I feel fear, or overwhelmed.  I can always chirp.  A character development, a few sentences on the page is better than nothing. I heard Jerry Jenkins, author say once, “You can’t edit a blank page.”

Be consistent if you want to make that goal stick friends.  The little things matter.  Every day you put work into your WiP you are being consistent and can call yourself a writer.  It doesn’t matter if your book isn’t published, yet!  You have to be consistent in your persistence.

I hope you are encouraged today my friends, write those words.  Keep the pen on the page consistently.


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Writing-Prompts-1The next few weeks are to put it mildly, crazy for me. By mildly I mean totally nuts and not mild at all.  With work, writing deadlines, VBS, getting ready to go on vacation and additional travel, I am overwhelmed.  Writing is vital to my being.  I sometimes have thoughts or observations that demand I write them.

I wrote a piece while driving down the road in my head the other day.  The idea of skin hovered over my consciousness, I thought maybe we are wrong.  All of us.  Maybe we think things and just don’t know the truth about skin.  I had to pull over and put pen to page because it needed to get it out.  I decided to make it a writing prompt for my blog.   I hope you will also look at this as an EIO (exercise in observation)  as it really is a bit of both.



What is wrong with her skin?

I am told it holds a mind that is closed,

and claims to be blind.

What is wrong with her skin?

It lacks warmth.

I am told she will  hold you in an embrace, but a

knife is poised to strike

What is wrong with her skin?

It doesn’t match mine.

What is wrong with her skin?

Does it define her thoughts of others?

What attitude leaks from her pores?

What’s wrong with her skin?

It didn’t fit what I thought it should

It held kindness, thoughtfulness

More warmth than I could see

No, it didn’t judge, it was simply different than me

She surprised me.

What is wrong with her skin?

No, it wasn’t like mine

Yet, inside it was just like me.

Moody Blue

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Mood-of-BlueBlue is a color that has a calming effect and affects people mentally versus the physical reaction that people have to red or orange.  It is a color that most people cite as their favorite color. Blue also has a darker side, it gives off feelings of loneliness, unfriendliness and be seen as unemotional.  It represents large expansiveness as well.  It can even slow human metabolism.


Psychology says:

People that choose blue as a favorite color are reliable, sensitive and usually make an effort to think of others.  Blue lovers also often like things to be clean and tidy and feel that stability is a very important aspect of their life. Strong blues stimulate clarity.  Softer blues with encourage concentration and allow the mind to rest.


Using Blue as a Writer:

  • Blue in setting can be very calming.  Great when trying to slow the tension in your story
  • When your character is feeling reflective
  • Blue is associated with authority. A writer can use blue in descriptions of clothing to show which characters are in charge
  • Blue is also associated with intellectualism.  Using a sense of blue in a character setting can allow your reader to draw the conclusion that your character is wise.
  • Using blue when describing rituals or warding off of spirits
  • Blue can be used in wedding traditions
  • When a character is feeling confident
  • Uses blue to dampen spirits and to give a sad motif to your writing

Dress your Character in Blue When:

  • Your character needs to display a sense of calm
  • When your character is seeking to communicate (Think a cop questioning a perp)
  • When they are comfortable
  • To set a mood of security
  • To underscore a sense of dependability

Other Names for Blue:

slate, cobalt, teal, ocean, Aegean, berry, spruce indigo sky, navy, midnight, peacock, denim, admiral, sapphire, artic, azure, cerulean, Lapis, Azul, Prussian, royal, Oxford, cornflower, Carolina, baby blue, Tiffany Blue, steel, stone, pigeon, slate

Emotions of Blue

Positive: Intelligence, honesty, trust, serenity, authority, efficiency, duty, coolness, reflection, safety, confidence, calmness, dependable, importance

Negative: Coldness, a sense of aloofness, a lack of emotion, unfriendliness, depression, sadness, laziness, melancholy, self-centeredness, self-righteousness

Cultural Notes:

Blue is considered the safest color choice around the world,  it has many positive associations. In North America and Europe blue represents trust, security, and authority.  Blue is soothing and peaceful. It can also represent depression, loneliness, and sadness (hence a common saying when feeling down, “having the blues”). The color blue often has strong religious significance for peace, and in many cultures, it is believed to ward off evil spirits.  In Iran, blue is used when mourning but in the West, it is often used in weddings and may represent love.  (Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.)


Stones that are blue often are associated with calming or relaxation.  They can be used in chaotic situations to bring order and allow communication.  Blue stones often inspire and give courage to those that possess it.

Well, isn’t that amusing? No, it’s not.

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Funny thing about the English language, sometimes we have words that sound like they mean something and those words mean something completely different.   Today, we have another word that is commonly misused. I find myself bemused by some of the ways this word has been used incorrectly.

The most common misuse is when an individual uses it referring to being amused.  Then a second flawed usage is to ponder deeply.   In a speech, I once heard the speaker use bemused stating he was thinking deeply about something.  It was this speech that had me looking up the word.  It sounded out of place.  For good reason, it was.  I know I’m a weird person that really likes to know the meaning and origin of words.

I suppose those both of the inaccurate use of the word bemused are somewhat understandable, as one could almost hear the word amused or muse in the confines of the word itself.

What the word bemused actually means is, bewildered, puzzled or even confused.  I think this one is often used correctly, but may be surprised to discover how many people have the wrong meaning attached to this word.

The real question may be why do we care?  As a writer or non-writer, it is important to know what you’re actually saying.  Not to sound smart but to avoid offending or confusing others with the things we write and say.

Tomorrow will wrap up our week of commonly misused words and phrases.  If you have one to add please do add it to the comment section.  You all know I love my list.  I would very much enjoy adding another word/phrase.


Show me words…

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If you have read this blog very long you know I am in LOVE  with Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi’s collection of thesauruses for writers. I love that they help me to be a better shower and not so much a teller.  This word is one that I added to my showing list.  I love that my characters can have flair and display a fleering look.

Words are pretty magnificent, this is one reason I love writing. As a writer, my job is to dig out the perfect words to paint the mental pictures that will fill the minds of readers.  That is a big responsibility, and I take it VERY seriously.  I hope this week of fun words will encourage you to begin a list of words you can use to enrich the reader’s experience when they are reading your prose.


What’s the Word Nerd?

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Yes, indeed, it’s another word fun post.   I keep a list of unique and awesome words I want to weave into my life.  I have read that one of the best things a writer, or really a human being can do is to continue to learn new words.

Today’s word is one I have had on my “Word Nerd” list for a while.  I was in a children’s lit class when I heard it the first time.  We had a speaker come and share about dealing with rejection and I remember this published author sharing this was the word that stuck in her head after a particularly rough session with her peers.  She had submitted this work and the very next day she was called because her agent had sold it.  She said, don’t let words be what halt your writing, one man’s doggerel is another man’s doggone it this is good.

The word stuck with me after that story.  As did the idea that my books may not be for everyone, but they are for someone!


I’m sensing a theme, Day Five

I’m sensing a theme, Day Five – Week of Writing Prompts #write #writer #writing #amwriting #amwriter #writingprompt #goals # writeNOW #writingforwriters #create #havefun

Let’s take a look at another great reason to use writing prompts.  They can help us discover and uncover emotions.  What is the saying, “Show, Don’t Tell.”  How do we learn to do that?  We need to explore showing.  What does it feel like to feel excited?  When you dig into a particular emotion, you need to think about how that feels, what happens to you physically and emotionally.  Doing that makes us better writers. It is good to think about and write the different aspects of emotion, the sight, sound, taste etc to have a good grasp of how to show it and not tell it.

I have chosen to make this our final prompt for the week. An experiment in emotion. It will be a challenge because TELLING me the sound will be easy, showing me may be a bit harder.  GOOD LUCK!

Here is the prompt for the last day of the week.  Writing-Prompt-5

Writing More, Day Four

Writing More, Day Four Week of Writing Prompts #write #writer #writing #amwriting #amwriter #writingprompt #goals # writeNOW #writingforwriters #create #havefun

I sure hope you are having as much fun this week as I am.  Sometimes, prompts need to be other than a starting point but a concept.  I was driving when I started thinking about writing and how we get ideas. My mind wandered a bit, but then I had the spark!

It’s fun to have a more vague prompt sometimes.  This helps us to allow our imagination to get a little wilder.  With that in mind, please enjoy today’s prompt.  I hope to see some fun stuff on this one! I think it is just weird enough to spark your imagination.  Writing-Prompt-4

Writers Helping Writers

Writers Helping Writers #iwrite #amwriting #amwriter #writer #write #writing #resourcesforwriters #goodstuff #writingtips @AngelaAckerman @WritersHelpingWriters #bestblogs #blogsthatrock #blogging

writershelpingwriters_logo_6x6inch_final_optI feel it is only fair to state this from the beginning.  I have a writer’s crush on Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglist.  I found the Emotional Thesaurus on accident really.  I ordered a book on Amazon and the “people that have purchased this title also…”.  The book title caught my eye and I ordered it.  Well, it came and inside I found GOLD!   The content was fantastic- still is. I then proceeded to purchase every single one of the books offered by these writers.  They are for sure my GO TO books when I am writing.  I carry them everywhere, they are beat up, highlighted, post-it poking out of loved books!  (FYI: you can buy The Emotional Thesaurus and all the other amazing thesauruses in the collection book here.)

I used the book for a long time then I found the authors directed me to their website.  ( I must admit, I was leery as it had been my experience that writers that offer to help other writers usually want you to invest hundreds of dollars into classes or webinars.  The book, however, stated there was a worksheet I wanted there, I figured go check it out.  I want to say first, that I have no issue with people with information I want charging for it.  I have been a little jaded by all the “helpful” writing advice that offers to help but really they want this writer to help them by dipping deep into my pocket and shell out a lot of dough for elementary advice.  That was NOT the case with this site. BOY OH BOY was I surprised. These two women have put out some of the best help and advice I have ever seen for free, online.

Let’s Take a Look:

The Writing Tools Tab Filled with free PDFs for writers to use to better their stories.  A few of those PDF are:

  1. Character Arc Progression Tool (PDF)
  2. Backstory Wound Profile (PDF)
  3. Setting Planner (PDF)
  4. Character Target Tool (PDF)
  5. Weak Verb Converter Tool – One of my favorites (PDF)

And so many more!

You will also find Marketing Hand Outs on this page too!  Real information from people that have dug in the trenches just like us!

The Resources for Writers Tab

This section is broken into several topics.  Here are some of them:

  1. Informative Publishing Industry Information, Blogs& Groups (SP&Legacy)
  2. Platform, Marketing, and Promotional Advice
  3. Protect Yourself & Your writing
  4. Unique Writing Tools
  5. Editing Service

And many more!

These are a few pages on the blog but the gold is the blog.  Do yourself a favor, sign up for the emails.  They add such rich content and continue to add to the thesaurus entries, So many good post.  YES FOR FREE! WHAT!!!

A few of my favorite recent post include: (I am not including Thesaurus Entries but I have loved everyone they posted and printed it out!

  1. Dive Deep With Emotion
  2. How to Keep Writing When That Critical Inner Critic Won’t Shut Up
  3. The Destructive Power of The Lie Your Character Believes
  4. Outlining Your Future Book in 30 Minutes
  5. Quieter Protagonist: Three Ways to Help Them Steal the Stage 

With this kind of REAL help, you will find yourself plowing through your book.  NOW if you have written on you WiP today, check out some of these too.  Just remember where you found them! 🙂

Rock those words!
