Life Begins…

Life Begins… #writer, #write, #iwrite #drama #ididit #dcf #writerslife #writinglife #writing #amwriter #amwrite #concretedetailblog #writenow


What an exciting moment.  I realized that I will have my script performed on Sunday, March 25, 2018.  While I consider myself a novelist, I took a shot at writing a drama for a stage production.  It may not be the next great musical, but it is a great feeling to share my vision with others.  The actors are amazing, and I have been lucky enough to work with them during the process.  We have tweaked, and fine-tuned it as the months have passed and I feel like it will be a fantastic experience.  I have learned a great deal about the process.

Life Begins After Coffee will be performed at 6:00pm on March 25, 2018, at Desert Christian Fellowship – 1445 W Northern Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85021


A youth pastor and several of the young people from the youth group tell the story of the Resurrection over coffee with girl searching for something more. Sharing the truth of the love of Christ and a peek into the last hours of His sacrifice for all mankind.

The story behind the story.:

I shared on Monday about the loss of a dear friend.  He was the youth minister at our church.  This play was written in honor of him.  Weaving things in that reminded me of him.  It was healing. His daughter was involved in the process of writing the script and helping put the personal touches of her dad in the play.  Writing is healing and not just for the author. This play has allowed many to remember fondly a man we all loved.

In loving memory of:

Jason Fischer  1971 –  2018

As iron sharpens iron,
    so one person sharpens another. – Proverbs 27:17

Things You NTK (need to know)

Things You NTK. #Write #writer #writing #amwriting #amwriter #iwrite #concretedetail #goodstuff #writers #acronymsforwriters


When the text generation exploded, people found shortening phrases much easier than spelling out complete words, and soon things like LOL, THX, BRB, and JK became commonplace “words” in everyday language. In fact, for a short time, some people I know spoke using these acronyms.  Real life example of a man I worked with for a short time, “I heard that LOL, JK can you say that again.”  I just shook my head. With this new structure of speech, there were times things got a bit confusing.

Funny story. One day, I text my daughter after she had posted a photo on Instagram this is how it went:

Me: WTF on Instagram?

Daughter:  do you know what WTF means, mom?

Me: Yes

Daughter: are you sure?

Me: maybe not, what does it mean?

Daughter: Uhhh, what do you think it means?

Me: Why the Frown? 😦

Daughter: LOL no, mom, that is NOT what it means.

After she stopped laughing she told me what it means and I was very happy she did because I would have been horrified if I used it in the wrong way on a more public media.

It is common for different industries to have abbreviations and acronyms and become common knowledge to people that work in that industry.   If you are new to the world of writing, you will soon discover that there are a lot of acronyms thrown around.  For me, when I decided to get serious about my writing, I jumped in and found myself struggling from time to time when more seasoned writers would put responses that included acronyms.  I learned a lesson from my texting story, know what it means before you use it.  I’ve put together some common acronyms for you. Please feel free to add any I missed in the comments.

Story and Character

WIP = Work in Progress

POV = Point of View

MPOV = Main Character Point of View

SC = Secondary Character/Supporting Character

MC – Main Character  you may see FMC (female MC) or MMC (male MC)

VPC = Viewpoint Character

ANT = Antagonist

PRO = Protagonist

BG = Bad Guy

LI/RI = Love Interest/Romantic Interest

BR- Beta Reader (I’ve only seen this one on a few sites but I had to figure it out)

CP = Critique Partner


Editing and Critiquing

MS = Manuscript

SPAG (SPaG) – Spelling and Grammar

NP- New Paragraph (editing mostly)

BIC – Butt in Chair  (sometimes seen as BICFOK – Butt in Chair, Fingers on Keyboard)

RUE – Resist the Urge to Explain

OTN – On the Nose (writing that is narrative in nature and unneeded)

VSL = Vary Sentence Length

TL;DR = Too Long; Didn’t Read

TMI = Too Much Information

DRAT = Desperate Race Against Time

ACT = Action Changes Things

WC- Word Count/ Word Choice (or in England Water Closet AKA toilet)

HEA – Happily Ever After

GMC = Goal, Motivation, Conflict

HFN = Happy For Now ending

ARC – Advanced Review Copy

COG = Character Obstacle Goal

AGO = Aims Goals Objectives

AIDA = Attention Interest Desire Action

BS = Back Story

PH = Plot Hole

R&R = Revise and Resubmit

LTP = Lost The Plot

SPIN = Situation Problem Implication Need-Payoff

SDT = Show, Don’t Tell

USV = Use Strong Verbs

MFA = Masters of Fine Arts


FF = Flash Fiction

F&SF = Fantasy & Science Fiction

JUV = Juvenile genre

FN/Fant = Fantasy genre

HR = Horror genre

NA = New Adult genre

RO = Romance genre

TH = Thriller genre

SF = Science Fiction

SFR = Science Fiction Romance

PNR = Paranormal Romance genre

MG = Middle Grade genre

UF = Urban Fantasy genre

XO = Crossover genre (I just learned this one a few months ago, not sure how popular it is yet)

YA = Young Adult

SP = Speculative Fiction

SUSP = Suspense genre


NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month (November)

ASAP = As Soon As Possible

AU = Alternate Universe

DOA = Dead On Arrival

IMHO = In My Humble Opinion

KISS = Keep It Simple, Stupid

RP = Role Play

TED = Tell Explain Describe

ToC = Table of Contents

TOTB = Think Outside The Box

WD – Writers Digest







Don’t Wait to Write

Don’t Wait to Write #TedTalk #Write #writer #iwrite #goals #amwriting #amwriter #trustyourself #writing

This is an amazing TedxTalk it will encourage you as a writer!  When I first saw this, it sure did get me to make some very clear and specific goals. It has helped me to be prepared to fail and it helped me to see those failures as simply set-backs.  Take a look at this and enjoy!

#Finish Strong Friday

#FinishstrongFriday #iwrite #amwrite #amwriter #amwriting #write #writer #writing #dashthedoxie #letsdotthis #goals


Well, we made it through another week friends! Our final hashtag for this week #finishstrongfriday.  Let’s take a look at ways to finish strong.  Writing can be fickle but after we took time yesterday to examine the whys of our To-Do’s I wanted to present a few ideas on how to carve out the time to complete our To-Dos from Thursday and #finishstrongfriday

  • Track your writing

    Take a week and keep track of your writing, not just your word count but your

  • 865e678bb4b4f9602ab94953a5ece744writing.  Discover the times you are most productive.  Keep track of the time of day and the situation you are writing.  For me, I pump out the words like a madwoman in the midmorning while at my favorite breakfast place. Seriously, I can get done twice as many words when I am there than when I am sitting at home in my “writing space”.  I found that out thanks to DIY MFA. Best book ever on the craft of writing seriously 10 of 10 Highly recommend, would read again!
  • Make it a priority

    Don’t give me that attitude, I know you are busy.  If something matters you need to give it a priority standing.  Of course, my family comes first, but let’s be real. I can find ten minutes to sit down at the computer and type out something, anything.  This also means you must be consistent!  The thing is the more you make it a priority the more your family and loved ones will see it that way too.   Make a sign Here is mine. IMG_20180308_212328It is that simple.  The people you love want you to be happy.  Let them know you love them for it, and you are busy doing that thing they want for you.  DO this every single day Sunday through Saturday.  Do a writing exercise, a prompt, a journal entry it doesn’t matter what it is but if you don’t write you are not a writer.

IMG_20170818_171516A sign like this can work with younger children. If you explain when they see this paper up they will get cookies, or other forms of bribery, if they wait until you take it down to express themselves.  It can be a game.  Soon they will come to realize you will not engage with them while the sign is up, and hopefully, learn to leave you alone when they see the sign. (This works with chatty spouses as well.)

A Special Note:

Even though this picture may make it look like she can read or be reasoned with Dash, like most dogs and cats, cannot because she is a dog. She really doesn’t care what I want as long as her needs are met immediately. Let’s face it she’s pretty cute and distracts me easily. Speaking of distractions…


  • Turn off Social Media and your phone

    If you just said “Do what?!?” perhaps even followed by something like, “dis chick is cray”,  then perhaps you need to really follow my advice to #finishstrongfriday.  I believe the number one time wasters is social media – Yes, I am saying that and still hoping the entire world reads my blog.  We all know it is true, so do yourself a favor. put up your sign and turn off your media.  I know there are lots of apps out there that you can use to shut off social media for a time, but you don’t need to spend time looking for an app be an ADULT!  #adulting #adult #reallifeproblems.  Put your phone in the other room and don’t click the shortcut to Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Gmail or whatever else thing you can avoid.  When you are writing write.  We need to have access to our computers so turning them off is not an option, be a grown up.  Weapons-of-mass-distraction

Finally, as the word count is climbing on this post, I want to encourage you to really finish strong.  This is not an easy profession and if you want to be taken seriously, then start by taking yourself seriously, then others will as well.




My Writing Buddy

My Writing Buddy #write #writer #dogslife #DashtheDoxie #Danoodle #mylife #shessocute #ilovemydog #ServiceDogscomeinallsizes #ServiceDog


She’s cute, she’s ornery, she’s lovable and most of all she is mine! I would like to introduce my mini Doxie, Dash.

I have heard people like pictures of cute dogs and as a writer, I am lucky to have the best (and by best I mean she is pretty good at it most the time) writing buddy in the world. I thought today after a long day of writing and editing I would share with you a day in the life.   Dash is a certified Service Dog as well as a great editor and best pal.

We start the morning out with breakfast, this means that we will be in the kitchen for a bit (one of her favorite places).  See we went to the vet and the vet told me, (in front of Dash–mistake)  that we should give her soft food.  I disagreed but did find a reasonableIMG_20171222_144914

compromise. The vet said we could put her food in the bowl then add warm water to soften it a bit.  (It’s so she gets enough water. We live in a desert after all.) She likes this part of the day best of all.  This is Dash on her mat waiting for her food to be presented.

I would like to point out my eldest daughter understands Dash on a deep level.  She sympathized with Dash’s plight of all the tile in the house and bought a mat for the kitchen just for Dash. (She loves this mat and it cracks me up! It says Dauschund is German for “little pain in the @ss”)

IMG_20180118_155319Once breakfast is taken care of we can get down to business…mom’s writing time.  It consists of Dash sleeping curled up behind my back.  This is actually working for her too.  She helps to elevate the pain from my fibromyalgia by applying her body heat to my back, shoulders or whatever I need.  She is very good at it.  She often will know where to go without me even telling her.  It may look like she is just snoozing away, well she is but it is okay because she is working too. It’s a tough job but she has trained hard for the rigorous work she puts in every day.

IMG_20180216_195904Next, we have the job of making sure mom doesn’t just sit in the chair.  This is an even more important job and Dash uses every tool in her box (toybox that is) to get me moving.  She is very good at it and if you could see our house you would know she is well equipt.  She has more toys than my kids did growing up!

Dash takes this job very seriously and it helps that it is also about time for her afternoon treat.

One of her favorite jobs is “editing”. We all love editing (NOT) when I am winding down from the stress of editing,  is when we see a series of her best “we need to be done for the day mom” moves.  I like to think she feels the stress level go up and then pulls out all the stops to get me to be finished for the day.

This is the first move, she calls it “hey whatcha working on?”  IMG_20180120_144904

Next up the classic,” This is good but maybe it needs to marinate” move.


Finally, her “Are you listening to me?” move which also happens to be the signal for “its time for dinner”.  She is pretty persistent. She is a great writing buddy and she takes great care of me.  I will be sure to keep sharing photos and maybe a video of her playing with the dog in the mirror at some point.  It’s pretty cute! Dash has rung the dinner bell!  See you tomorrow!


Learning to Leap!

Learning to Leap – an exercise in trust #writing #write #goforit #trustinHim #bebrave #whynot #intimidated


She took the leap and found her wings on the way down. — Unknown

Growing your community is vital to any profession. This can be hard for writers because we usually build our community in our stories and we like our solitude. However, a community is not only a social media presence but also meeting with peers to review your work, readers to critique your work, support of family and friends and learning from the masters.  I am a member of a writers guild for a pretty awesome author, Jerry Jenkins (more on that later) and I also follow many writers blogs and seek out advice and take classes whenever I can from the people that have success in the industry. I read books, lots of books on how to compete in this very difficult industry.  I mentioned a writing group (Scribophile) that is filled with other writers that read and try to help one another.  All these people and things are a part of my writing community.

I heard a story on Sunday that gave me the courage to do something I have wanted to do for years.  The story was about a man that was told to pray for six months about something and see what God would do.  God moved, the man moved, he did things he didn’t know he could do.  He acted when God gave him the opportunities and the outcome was nothing short of amazing. The man’s life changed.  I believe that story resonated with me because I sometimes struggle with my writing, always allowing that doubt sneak in and make me question myself.  I decided to start praying about it.  Six months I said and I will do whatever God lays on my heart.  Here we are less than a week later and God is at work!

I don’t know anyone that is a writer that wouldn’t jump at the chance to hear from someone wildly successful in the industry.  I have a confession,  I know an author that is very successful I know she writes but she doesn’t know I do.  She has many books published in several genera and under a few pen names.  I know her because we happen to live in the same community and she and I frequent the same establishment.

One day many years ago, her husband and I struck up a conversation when he saw me reading a book.  Her book! I was so overwhelmed.  I didn’t say anything at the time about being a writer because she is so successful. (I was intimidated by her success – no lie – I am not easily intimidated by anything.)  Over the years, we have chatted several times about everything but writing.

Today, I saw her and her husband at this same establishment and as she was leaving I felt the push.  Though my stomach was knotted so tight I felt I would pass out I did something I have wanted to do but never had the courage to do.  I simply said, “Would you be willing to talk to me about the writing industry?”  My heart was pounding so hard I thought she could see it through my shirt.  She replied, “Of course.”  with a big smile.  A genuine welcoming smile.   I felt a rush of gratitude as my shoulders relaxed a little. She asked me a few questions and then we agreed we would chat later.  We said goodbye and a few moments later she came in and handed me her business card told me to contact her so we can set up a meeting.  I can’t tell you how much that meant to me.  She came back in from her car to give me her card!

Here is the purpose of this post.  It is about encouraging you!  We have more resources then we know.  Being brave enough to step out of our usual solitary little world, to step up and admit that you want something enough to make it a priority in your prayers, to take action when you are given opportunity is what I want to leave you with.  While I am not easily intimidated, and it is even harder for me to admit, I will tell you for years knowing this woman I have been afraid approach her because she is successful. I wasted valuable time because I didn’t take a leap!  Well, today I did and I found wings on the way down.

Today I grew.  Today I am so grateful for God’s push and His answer in the response of kindness from this amazing woman that agreed so readily to help me along in my journey.